But if you feel you are up to the high standards demanded of our members, have a new or vintage Land Rover that is rough and ready , and a quintessential thirst for adventure and high jinx, you may contact us for a membership form. Members are admitted after rigorous examination, background checks and of course democratic vote.

All LMC club admin is handled the club's highly efficient secretary Mrs Maureen Peabody, we inherited her when the local telephone exchange closed down two years ago. 

 We offered her a position because she is apparently distantly related to someone in the club who bought her 3rd husband's landrover.

Maureen is good at answering the telephone when she can find the green button on the mobile. But answering emails is not her forte, but she makes up for her admin skills by polishing the glasses down at the Cock Inn and stocktaking the gin supplies. This task she takes very seriously.


For the uninitiated - The Cock Inn is the unofficial HQ of the LMC and as such must be kept in a pristine condition. Mrs Peabody has been found on occasion on the floor inspecting the underside of the barstools for wood rot and graffiti and she has also taken it upon herself to test the quality of the local elderberry infused vodka. Such dedication does not come cheap. We are very fond of her.

​She will get back to you as soon as possible. Occasionally she passes messages along to one of the committee members to handle.