Members Only "Land-Rovering" Campaign Adventure Club
Landrovering Club with a fondness for bacon rolls, cigars & ale.
“Notoriously popular, but impossible to join”… Our President is Lord Trousers
Good Clean Fun
It is not leaking oil… It is sweating power!
Most blokes are simple
It takes a few things to make them happy. The chaps who belong to the elite London Mud Club are not complicated, they have merely figured out what it takes to make them happy - FREEDOM, A GOOD TIPPLE AND SOME CAR TALK especially landrover related.
Lord Trousers self-proclaimed "Chairman for life" of the London Mud Club elaborates: "First and foremost we love our Landrovers' commonly referred to as landies - they are every boy's childhood dream. They represent the great explorer that beats inside our chests.
Some boys may have dreamed of fire engines and others may have played with toy bulldozers but for most of us the Landrover was the epitomy of the rough, tough explorer's vehicle.
We do not envy those modern technological wonders driven by James Bond types, instead we marvel at the time-trusted Landrover - a solid and dependable vehicle invented to withstand the toughest elements."
Land Rovers
Good People
Great Vibes
Symbiotic relationship
The Land Rover also represents the symbiotic relationship between man and engine, it takes mutual respect and an understanding of basic mechanics to forge a love between a Landrover and its owner.
The other two things that make most men happy are having adventures (involving engines and inclement weather and mud) and enjoying the odd beer and beverage with other like-minded gents.
Roads less travelled
Traversing the paths less travelled and pushing these iconic tough landies to the limits is what it's all about. Combine this with a bit of gentrified good fun, like good food, good laughs and some old fashioned rituals and most blokes are queueing to sign up, especially if it allows them to escape the household chores for a good half a day.
To be fair the London Mud Club, do occasionally let the feminine partners and other halves, come along on the jaunts, to let them see what it's all about. Like ships and hurricanes - our beloved landies also are often named after ladies . For their temperamental attitudes.
Our enthusiasm for these cars are not usually shared by the other halves .. But usually they begin to yawn at the first mention of a crank shaft or a hoist, so we don't let them spoil our enthusiasm for grit, grime and game.